Captiva Island, Florida, tropical island, beaches, blooming Royal poinciana tree painting by Lalita Cofer Captiva Island main street blooming Royal pinciana tree painting
"Captiva Island In Bloom"
Original SOLD prints are available
All rights reserved, Copyright 2009 Lalita L. Cofer

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by Lalita L. Cofer
Original sold
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.PILLARS OFAFFLUENCE, 
by Lalita L. Cofer
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.THE BOAT HOUSE, VILLA VIZCAYA, CORAL GABLES, FL by Lalita L. Cofer
Original SOLD
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.BIG CEDAR LODGE
by Lalita L. Cofer
Original sold
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.PILLARS OF THE UNITED STATES,MUSEUM OFNATURAL HISTORY, D.C.
by Lalita L. Cofer
sorry no prints Pigeon Point Lighthouse, CA
by Lalita L. Cofer
Original sold
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.CAPTIVA ISLAND IN BLOOM
by Lalita L. Cofer
Original sold
Prints:1 matted 16x20" $50.00
2 prints $75.00 Please email title of print when using Pay Pal button to order prints
Includes shipping in US, out of US shipped in a tube  with no matt included.
Paintings inspired by the U.S.A
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